Thursday, June 21, 2012 -
Although Miz B isn't running the best, we decide to go on the driving tour that we had signed up for. It was an 80 mile trip from Marquette to Iron Mountain. We were released in groups of 8 Model A's to travel the state highways over to Iron Mountain. Iron Mountain is where one of Ford's iron ore mining operations was located. The conditions were positively brutal. We then toured the WWII Glider Museum. Ford made gliders for the Army Air Corps. We left on our own for lunch and the drive back to Marquette. We found a great little bar for a sandwich. I enjoyed a Yupper speciality - cudighi sandwich. It was delicious. It is found in most pizza and Pasty shops only in Marquette County, MIchigan. After lunch, we drove back to the motel in Marquette. The car kept going, but is probably running worse than it ever has. We are hopeful that the parts we ordered from Smith & Jones have arrived. We were pleased to see the package on the bed in our room when we returned. Although, the repair was going to have wait for Friday morning. We had a Pig Roast and a parade to attend! First, we drove over to Ishpeming to the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum to line up for the parade. We were going for a Guiness Record. There were 164 Model A's in the parade! The entire town showed up for the parade. It was positively amazing! Our route was at least 6 miles long and was lined with people cheering and waving! None of us had ever experienced a parade like that! The folks were so thrilled to see us! Then we were off to the Pig Roast in a beautiful park. When we arrived at the park, there were probably 75 cars already there waiting for us. There were Model A's as far as you could see! We enjoyed great fellowship, barbecue, and ice cream. Then the area community drum, bugle, and flag corp entertained us. The Superior A's had a nice party for all 600 of us! We had a fun day!
Model A's invade the park! |
Miz B among the crowd of Model A's in the park |
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