Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday - What A Day!

The morning started off quite well.  We were all up and ready to roll out at 7:30.  We drove about 50 miles and decided we should gas up.  We had made it to Chrisman, Illinois.  We were just about ready to leave, when Shirley was walking through the parking lot back to the truck, when she was bumped to the ground by another car backing up.  Down to the pavement she went!  We called EMS and the Sheriff.  The ambulance took her to the hospital in Danville, while we finished up with the police.  Our delay was about 4 hours.  We then drove over to Danville to the hospital to wait until she was close to being released.  We picnicked on the lawn under a huge tree - after another tech session on Miz B!  The carburetor was changed out and some adjustments were made to the choke, again.  Then we were off down the road.  We got about 10 miles when she decided she was most unhappy and really started acting up.  We found an abandoned gas station to try to diagnose the situation and wait for the Support Vehicle with the rest of our friends to catch up with us.  While waiting, a huge thunderstorm rolled through.  Good we were waiting, we would have had to pull off the road and wait it out any way.  So, another tech session ensued!  This time, the points were discovered to be almost closed, so an adjustment was made there!  By then, the rest of our group had caught up with us.  We discovered that Shirley was fine for the most part; she did suffer a broken wrist.  She is splinted and will see an Orthopedist on Monday, in Marquette.  We decided to try to drive the car again.  All seemed to be well for about 30 minutes, then it was worse than ever.  It was time to put the old lady on the trailer.  We will have her to the repair tent as soon as we get to Marquette!

John and I split up and he rode in the Support Truck, followed by Miz B on the  trailer, and I rode with the Booths in their four door sedan.  All went well on the road from that point on.  We stopped for a quick supper and resumed our drive.  We had to make it to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin before stopping for the night.  We finally arrived at our destination at 1 am Eastern Time!  Wow, what a long, long, long day.

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