Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ford Alberta Village, Michigan

Alberta Village Saw Mill and Model A's

Bob Krepke, Ford Historian
Yesterday's journey took us to a quaint little village along a stream that Henry Ford built. It was centered around a saw mill. We toured the saw mill and enjoyed a talk about the area by Bob Krepke, Ford Motor Company Historian. It was very comprehensive on the history of the area and Ford's purpose in the area. We then drove back to Ishpeming for a nice lunch at the Country Grill, then headed back to Marquette. It was time to do a bit of laundry. So, all the gals loaded into the Booth's Sedan and off to the laundromat for an hour. Last night, we had dinner in a wonderful Italian place in downtown Marquette. All the locals have commented how thankful they are that we have come for the Convention. The people here have been so nice and accommodating. Miz B is still having a time with skipping. We ordered some parts from our hometown Model A parts supplier and they should arrive tomorrow. The car is running, just not as well as it should. I have no problem accelerating up to 50 mph and maintaining the speed, it is just the periodic skipping of the engine. We think there is too much play in the distributor. We are hoping a new distributor will solve the problem. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful sunny day here in the UP!

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