Sunday, June 24, 2012

On the way to Gaylord, MI

Saturday morning arrived bright and sunny for our trip from Marquette to Gaylord, Michigan.  We packed up the cars and said our goodbyes to the friendly staff at the motel, then we were on our way south.  The day's travel started out pretty easy until Sharon realized she had left the Garmin charging back in the motel - only about 5 miles back.  They turned around and went back for it while we proceeded down the road.  We met back up with them in Munising about an hour later.  All went smoothly from that point on for the rest of the day.

We crossed the Mackinac Bridge with no incidents.  The bridge is constantly being maintained.  It is 5 miles long and there is a permanent painting crew to take care of it.  The toll was quite high at $4 per car and $8 for the truck and trailer.
Crossing the Mackinac Bridge

We stopped for lunch at a very famous restaurant in the tiny town of Cross Village.  It is situated on the edge of a cliff overlooking Lake Michigan.  We got there by traveling a very scenic little highway through the farmland of Northern Michigan.

The Legs Inn
John at Legs Inn - Lake Michigan in the background
After lunch, we took Michigan 119 through The Tunnel of Trees.  It is a beautiful coastal road that runs along the cliffs of Lake Michigan.  We left Michigan 119 in the beautiful town of Harbor Springs.  Harbor Springs is a major destination of summer tourists in Northern Michigan.

Tunnel of Trees Highway
Tunnel of Trees Highway
We had originally planned to travel as far as Lake City, but decided to stop sooner for the day.  So, Gaylord became our destination.
We arrived in Gaylord about 6:15 pm and called it a day!  

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