Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ready to Roll!

Car is packed.  Wonder what I have forgotten?  Found a gasket kit for the Zenith, just in case - decided it was flat enough it could go in too.  My motto is prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.  Not having reservations at hotels for the first two nights has me a bit concerned, but no one else seems to be worried about it.  So, I'm putting my faith in the more seasoned long distance travelers on this one.  I've packed picnic supplies for the trip.  John and I aren't real crazy about fast food.  Some folks don't mind it, but two weeks worth is a bit too much.

Folks should be arriving about 7:30 tomorrow morning.  Hopefully, we will be able to get out of here by 8.  I'll do my best to update this blog each evening after we get settled in for the night.

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