Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thursday in Marquette

We enjoyed a nice breakfast just down the street from our hotel at a local diner, then it was off to the University Center to meet with H & H Antique. These guys do absolute quality work restoring these Model A engines. A few of the guys were practically drooling over the short and long block touring engines they had on display. We picked up our donation from Max Herman for the 2012 MAFCA National Awards Banquet. John and I took Miz B for a ride through downtown looking for a nice spot for lunch. We ended up at Doncker's on Washington. It is a place that Henry Ford had lunch. So, needless to say, the place has been in business a long time! Before leaving, we enjoyed a delicious ice cream cone. We then drove out to Presque Isle Park along Lake Superior. About 300 feet into the park, on a very narrow road with no shoulders in the woods, John asked me how the gas situation was. Well, wouldn't you know the gauge said 0. Not good. There was no way out except to keep going. I was really concerned we wouldn't make out of the woods, much less out of the park and to a gas station! But, we were quite fortunate to make it to a station with no extra fuel to spare. The car took 9.8 gallons. I'm not sure what size tank I have - either a 10 or 11 gallon. It was a relief to make it to a station! Our group traveled together to a restaurant named CoCo's for supper. We all enjoyed a wonderful meal. From CoCo's, the Prince's followed us over to the University Center for the Presidents Reception and the rest went for a short drive, then back to the hotel. The President's Reception was very nice, but the sky fell out while we were there. We came out to pouring rain, thunder, and lightning! Of course, the umbrella was in the roadster and the side curtains were in the trunk! We quickly put up the curtains and made our way back to the motel. It was a nice day in Marquette. Tomorrow we tour with other A's to Iron Mountain. Miz B is still acting up. John is going to change out the condenser in the morning in hopes of fixing the skipping issue! We'll see. . . . . .

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