Friday, June 15, 2012

Overnight in Cloverdale, Indiana

Oh, it is nice to be back in Indiana. We had a great day travellimg the back roads of Kentucky and Indiana. It got pretty hot this afternoon. One of the bank thermometers registered 95 degrees. We stopped around 4 for ice cream at Dairy Queen and to enjoy their air conditioning! We didn't have any real mechanical problems. Miz B is experiencing a bit of dispepsia every now and then. She seems to be skipping. Last gas up had us putting high test, at $4.15 a gallon, in! If that is all it takes to have her running smoothly, okay! We arrived at our motel about 7:30 and had a great pizza close by. We plan to be back on the road tomorrow morning again, at 8. Our destination will be Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, just outside of Madison.

The photo above is of our crossing of the Ohio River, into Indiana.


  1. Sounds like you're making very good progress and without too much problem. If it's 95 degrees and none of the cars is overheating, that is a great accomplishment.

  2. We're loving the narrative. You've already worked in some violence with Shirley's accident at the gas station where she was backed into by a car and ended up with a broken wrist. I'm glad to hear she was acknowledged at the banquet with the "Hard Luck" award. Stephanie, Rod, and I are enjoying your daily posts. We're looking forward to your narratives on the long journey home. We're particularly looking forward to the racey parts! mike

  3. Okay - here's the racey part. A fellow pulled up next to me in Marquette, gunning his engine. He was challenging me to a drag down the main thoroughfare! I didn't bite. End of racey part. Just for you, Mike!
