Friday, March 7, 2014

Trouble before we start......

Who knows where Satsuma is?  It is a small suburb just a bit north of Mobile, Alabama.  Not much here.  Fortunately, it is very close to Mobile and a Ford dealership.  Now, we all know that today's Ford dealerships don't have a clue about maintenance on a 1931 Ford Model A, but they are very well acquainted with the workings of a 2013 Ford F150 truck.

I'm sure you are wondering why I have digressed to write about a 2013 F150.  That is the main subject for today.  

We decided to turn in early last night to be able to get an early start today.  Great plan!  The A was covered in her tarp, to keep water out of the rumble seat - because, it was supposed to rain most of the night.  

We woke to overcast bright skies and enjoyed a simple breakfast.  We packed up the truck with our odds and ends and were ready to leave this quiet little town.  Easy? - WRONG!  

Truck engine would turn over just fine, but would not catch.  Several attempts later and John was on the phone to the local Ford dealership looking for assistance.  The truck needed to be taken to the dealership, so a tow truck was called.  

We unhitched the trailer and waited about 40 minutes for the tow truck to come.  Soon the truck was on its way to AutoNation Ford in Mobile.  John went with the truck and I stayed with Miz B and I wait..........

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