Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mobile, Alabama

Well, 520 miles from home. Several hours of just cloudy deeply overcast skies until we crossed the Georgia/Alabama line. It misted for quite sometime. About Montgomery, the skies opened up and it just plain rained.   Miz B enjoyed a position above most of the passing autos on the road, today. There were a great many truckers who rode up next to her to get a closer look.

About 6:30pm central time, we arrived at our hotel for the evening. A quick cover with the tarp and Miz B was all tucked in for the night.  The rain is expected to keep up all night, but Miz B will wait for us on the trailer.

We hope to get away in the morning about 7:30. Our destination is just west of Houston, in Sugar Land, Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good day, will be waiting for Miz B. Missy is coming to dinner.
