Sunday, March 9, 2014

Getting to New Braunfels, Texas

All day on Friday, I sat in the hotel lobby, waiting for news of the situation with the truck.  About 4, it came and was not good.  It turned out that the fuel rail was defective and the closest part available was in Memphis.  FedEx was going to overnight it and hopefully, it would arrive in the morning on Saturday for installation.  

At 1PM, on Saturday, the part still had not arrived.  So, we decided that the only way we were going to be able to get to New Braunfels, Texas was to rent a truck.  We did just that!

We left Mobile in the rented truck with Miz B on her trailer in tow at 3:15.  We were headed for Louisiana.  We wanted to get about 200 miles closer.  We spent the night on the east side of Baton Rouge.

Today, we got an early start, leaving the hotel at 7:30.  Fortunately, we had a very uneventful day and arrived in New Braunfels at 4:30.  We unloaded Miz B, parked the truck and trailer, and checked into the hotel.  All in record time - 1 hour!  It gave us just 30 minutes to make our way to the Convention Center for the Tour Kick Off Dinner Party.  We did really well, only arriving 7 minutes late!

The party was great fun connecting with Model A friends from all around the country.

Tomorrow morning we head out early to begin exploring the Texas Hill Country......

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