Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Marble Falls to Fredericksburg

This morning we enjoyed breakfast at The Bluebonnet Cafe, an institution in Marble Falls.  Soon, we joined up with our group and we were off to LBJ's Ranch - the Texas White House.  The skies were bright blue with few clouds to be seen.  Temperatures were to get up to about 83 with a light breeze - perfect!

Today's drive took us through several ranches, over good roads and not so good roads!  There were lots of loose cattle roaming and goats, sheep, and even alpacas.  We drove over many cattle guards, through acres and acres of cactus and mesquite and live oaks.

We arrived at the LBJ Ranch about 11.  We were going to picnic on the grounds of the ranch.  We were provided with great box lunches from Subway, complete with yummy cookies.  We found a nice picnic table near the little church on the ranch.  We enjoyed the warm sunshine and each other's company before getting back into our cars and touring the ranch.  The ranch is set alongside the Perdernales River in Blanco and Gillespie Counties near Stonewall, Texas.  It is a sprawling ranch of 1570 acres where cattle continue to graze today.

After our tour of the LBJ Ranch, we headed toward Fredericksburg.  Wow!  It is definitely Spring Break in Texas!  This town was crawling with tourists and not just Model A'ers!  We made our way to the Nimitz Museum.  Admiral Nimitz was a son of Fredericksburg.  His parents owned the hotel in town and he grew up in the hotel with his mother.  Connected with the Nimitz Museum is the National Museum of the Pacific War.  It is a huge and very well done museum which includes exhibits of airplanes and a submarine.  Supper was in a little restaurant named Cultures.  Aptly named, as it specialized in American, German, and Mexican cuisine.  An odd trio, until you realize that the town was settled by Germans, and of course, we are in Texas - so you've got to have American and Mexican!  It was delicious!

John and I had made reservations for the night in the Hanger Hotel.  It sounded quite interesting when I was booking our hotels.  I'm always up for an adventure and thought that perhaps this was going to be interesting.  We were definitely not disappointed.  The hotel is an old Quonset style hanger at a tiny airport which has been converted to a wonderful hotel styled to look as though you had stepped back to the days of the Army Air Corps.  The hotel is beautifully appointed and very comfortable. 

Tomorrow's drive will take us to Kerrville and another adventure.

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