Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Repair tent, again!

Well, the morning began bright and early at 5:30!  We got ready for the day and went to the dining room for breakfast.  It was pouring rain, and had been all night long.  After breakfast it was time to go uncover the little car and warm her up for the tour to leave at 8.

So, out into the rain we went with our umbrellas.  First we had to check the water level in the radiator.  It was a bit low, so we filled it up with the water bottles and about a third of a bottle of water wetter.  Done!

Next, we removed the cover from the soft top.  Upon opening the rumble seat, we discovered the foot well was about an inch deep in water!  Nothing to do but hope it dries up a bit today, not likely with lots of rain in the forecast!  100% for most of the day.

Oil level was good, so in we climbed and tried to crank the car.  Nope!  Nothing doing.  Diagnosis - water issue with the distributor.  So, John gave me a push back over to the repair tent- under cover to try to dry things out.  Finally, with the assistance of a boost, the little car's engine roared to life!

Soon we were on our way to find our group.  We were about 40 minutes late and discovered they had already gone on ahead.  We had the address, so I punched it into Garmin and we were off.  Up the mountains and down.  A couple of grades were pretty strenuous, but the little car although not setting any land speed records kept right on going.

We arrived at Falcon Rest ahead of the group and enjoyed meeting another couple from Indiana before they arrived.

Falcon Rest is an old Victorian Mansion that has been restored to it's former glory and is filled with beautiful Victorian antiques.  We enjoyed a great luncheon and a dinner show of which we were all a part of.  Then we were back on the road back to the Choo Choo.  Back up and over the mountains without incident.

John Cockerill was still dealing with his roadster when we arrived at the hotel, we went over to see if we could lend a hand.  Not much to do, as he needed to take his battery over to the store to be recharged.  We all enjoyed a nice dinner, then took our chances in the MARC raffle room.  Boy it sure would be nice to win that high compression head!

We had enjoyed a nice full day of touring and fellowship with our friends.  Today, we go to Chicamauga and the Civil War Battlefield to tour.  Should be a very interesting day!

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