Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blue Ribbon Day!

What a gorgeous day in Chattanooga!  We were up early to have breakfast in the main dining room.  Then, we were out to uncover the car and check the oil before today's Grand Tour.  The car started, but ran a bit rough for the first 5 minutes.  It cleared up and we were off for Chicamauga, GA and a tour of the Gordon-Lee Mansion, built in 1847.  It is the only original still-standing structure that was used by both armies during the Battle of Chicamauga.  We parked on the wide and very deep front lawn along the broad "avenue" leading to the house.  After touring the house, we strolled downtown along Gordon Street (Main St.).  At noon, we drove over to the Lee & Gordon's Mill for a picnic on the grounds along the creek.  Soon it was time for the presentation of the tour ribbons and photographs in front of the mill.  We enjoyed a nice drive back to the hotel.  We needed to pack before the final banquet.  We leave tomorrow morning for home.  Hopefully, we have all the bugs worked out for an uneventful trip back home.

The repair crew did a fantastic job helping everyone solve their mechanical and electrical issues to keep everyone on the road.  All in all, the Scenic A's did a nice job arranging this national tour.

Final banquet tonight, maybe one of us won a raffle prize.

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