Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beautiful Early Fall

On Sunday, September 9, I went out to the trailer where Miz B had spent the night.  I had grand hopes that the distributor had dried over night and she would crank on the first try.  The little car had never really let me down in the past and I really had faith that nothing was truly wrong with her.  So, with fingers crossed, I climbed in, set the throttle, turned on the gas valve, set the spark, turned on the power, turned on the key, pressed the starter and popped the choke and she roared to life!

Boy did that make my day!  I knew that if the car would start then all would be just fine for the trip home.

We left Hickory Knob State Park about 10 and had a beautiful, sunny drive in pleasantly cool temperatures all the way back to Columbia.  I arrived home about noon.  My plan was to unpack the car and let it cool down.  

Later that afternoon, I got out my can of WD-40, opened up the distributor and gave the inside a good spray, including the inside of the lid.  I closed it up and also sprayed the top of the block, ensuring I got all the spark plugs and plug wires.  No more being stranded on the side of the road in a rainstorm!

Next weekend, a group of us from the Palmetto A's are off to Chattanooga for the 2012 MARC National Tour.  It should be a fun trip.  

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