Sunday, September 16, 2012

On the road to Chattanooga

We got a good start this morning.  We left the church parking lot at ten after seven.  We were late, because we had forgotten John's rain jacket.

We relied on Garmin to give us direction to Chattanooga.  We traveled the beautiful countryside of South Carolina through the upstate to the upstate of northeastern Georgia.  We got about 150 miles from home and in the mountains, when the thermometer began showing a bit of excess heat from the radiator.  It was just about noon, when we were planning to stop for lunch.  We were taking a third really long climb up another mountain, when water began to spew from the radiator cap.  Miz B was too hot.  Then suddenly, the temp shot straight up on the thermometer!  Fortunately, the only roadside park of the day appeared!  Quick - stage right!  Into the rest area for lunch at a covered picnic site and to let not only Miz B cool off, but George - the Booth's, A cool off, as well!

We enjoyed a nice shared picnic in the cool shade, then gave both cars nice drink of water and we were back on our way.

Miz B was not real happy, quite yet.  There were some more hills to climb and she really hadn't quite cooled off, enough!  But, we traveled a bit more slowly along through a few small towns and she began to cool off.  Finally, she was running nice and cool.  It helped that the outside temps had also dropped about 6 degrees, too.

We arrived at the Chattanooga Choo Choo at 5:45 - just in time to pick up our registration packets.

We enjoyed a nice leisurely supper in "The Gardens Restaurant."

Lots of Model A's to be seen in the parking lot.  We took a few minutes before going to bed to put up the side curtains and put on the top cover.  It is supposed to be quite cool and rather rainy tomorrow.

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