Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rain in Georgia

Yesterday, Miz B and I joined the Western Carolins Model A Ford Club on a tour to Crawfordsville, GA and Washington, GA, to celebrate their 50th Anniversary.  We had a beautiful morning drive.  There were 13 Model A's and a couple of modern cars in the group when we left Hickory Knob Resort State Park.  Unfortunately, one of the cars, a beautiful A 400 was having issues with the generator not charging the battery, so it was decided that they would find the nearest automotive supply store and buy a new battery.  Then, there were 12 of us.  We tourehe'd own to the home of Alexander H. Stephenson and the out buildings on the grounds of the A. H. Stephenson State Park in Crawfordsville.  These buildings have been very carefully restored to replicate life as Stephenson would have known, including most of the original furnishings.  This work was done by the Daughters of the Confederacy in the 1970's.  After touring the grounds, we were back on the road to Washington, GA.  We enjoyed lunch in a cafe located in an historic building on the town square.  After lunch, we went to visit the historic home of Robert Toombs, a noted Georgia Statesman.  It, too, is beautifully taken care of by the state of Georgia.  Before becoming property of the state, a member of the Toombs family lived there until the 1970's.  While exploring the large home, the Georgia skies opened up and torrential rain began to fall.  It was time to depart for Hickory Knob State Park.  We had a banquet to attend in the evening.  The cars were running well, until about 12 miles from the resort.  Cockerill's was acting up a little, as was Miz B.  It was like the distributor was bad - again!  She was skipping and was loosing power.  I found a driveway to pull into just in time - she just flat out DIED!!!!  The rain had been coming down Cats and Dogs for the past 35 to 40 minutes and all I could figure was that either something was wet, like the distributor or there was a short somewhere that was keeping it from firing off.  Well, some phone calls were made, thank goodness for cell phones!  Shortly, the Calvary arrived with an empty trailer in tow for Miz B!  I've got to have a talk with the old gal.  Her insistance of hitching a ride and being treated like a queen must come to an end!  We got her loaded and made our way back to the resort with time to spare to get to the banquet.  Of course, everyone wanted to know if she was well enough to be back on the road.  We'll find out after breakfast, but, I imagine a good shot of W D 40 in her distributor and on the plug wires should be the cure.  We'll see . . .   Stay tuned for the update!

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