Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ready to Roll - I think!

Well, the part arrived on Saturday. My trusty mechanics, John and Joey, were right there to put it on the little car. Quick install - thank goodness - and we were ready to test it out. The guys took her down the road for a tour. They were gone much longer than I expected, I was on pins and needles for them to come back.

When they got back, I was surprised to see Joey at the wheel! He had been learning to drive a manual transmission on John's little truck, but I see he had gotten brave and took a turn with the A. This was great! Maybe we have given the antique car bug to the next generation. Of course, this is the only way the hobby is going to survive in the coming years. Those of us in the hobby are beginning to show our age, as well.

I decided to take the little car down the road and really push her for all she has. 50 mph for about 15 minutes should tell me what to expect this weekend on our trip to Athens, GA. Back home to the barn for the evening. The thunderstorms were rolling across the lake in a hurry, so we were through working on the little car for the day.

On Sunday afternoon, John decided to take a good look at the new filter. So, the new part came off for an inspection. We were pleasantly surprised to see the filter was doing it's job collecting rust chunks coming out of the block! A quick cleaning and the car was put back together again and the radiator refilled with water. Again, the thunderstorms of the afternoon had us put the little car back in the barn for the day.

I plan to drive the car quite a bit this week, in anticipation of our 300 mile tour this coming weekend - just to make sure we aren't going to hold up the entire club with our rendition of Old Faithful!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. An update to this entry - Yes, we did give Joey the Antique Car Bug! He joined the local Model A Club, began going to meetings and on tour. We found him a car to restore - Miss Clara, about a year ago. He loves the little Tudor and really has it in great shape. He has even been on tour with her. He is keeping a blog about his restoration @ henryslady.weebly.com/.
    My car hasn't overheated once since installing the Gano filter and I've put about 8,000 miles on her! I sold my modern car and am only driving the Model A any more!!!
