Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gantt Farm Picnic

What a gorgeous day for a jaunt in the Model A's!  John and I both drove our cars over the dam and through the country to meet up with 12 other Model A's at the Pilot Station on the south east side of Columbia.  Amazing, we had 3 lady drivers for the trip to the farm!  Dick led the way in his beautiful black sedan and the rest of us followed like good little ducklings.  Whoops!  We missed the last turn onto the last real road to the farm.  It was a major turn around for all fourteen cars on a not too busy rural highway.  We finally turned into the drive for Relief Farm and this was the sight from my windshield.
The farm was purchased by Fred and Rhetta Gantt about 40 years ago and they have done a fabulous job of restoring existing buildings and moving buildings to the property and restoring them.
This is Fred and Rhetta, our host and hostess.  Fred made a fabulous corn chowder and the rest of us filled in the meal with salads and desserts.  Yum!  We ate lunch in what was previously the chicken coop.  Beautiful transformation by the Gantts.  Not to mention, they had air conditioned all the old buildings.  A very welcome relief - no pun intended - for the 100 degree day!

Upon leaving, Fred led the caravan over to what he calls "The Edge of the World".  There were spectacular views of our beautiful state of South Carolina!
We had a great day at the Gantt Farm.  We toured as a group back to the Columbia area.  Most stayed with the caravan, we were going to Orville's 75th Birthday Celebration!  Thanks to GPS, we didn't get lost, as we actually had to go through part of downtown Columbia to get out to Irmo.
We enjoyed cake and punch and saw a great slide show of Orville and Sharon traveling around the country in their Model A.  We said our goodbyes to the group and to Orville and Sharon, as they were off for the Pony Express Tour with the national club in the morning.
What a great day with our club.  Next weekend, Harbor Chase Assisted Living Show for the residents.

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