Monday, June 7, 2010

The trip home from Maysville, GA

The trip home wasn't without a few tense moments.  The temperature was 95º and periodically, the thermometer under the flying quail would spike up.  I would slow the speed down to around 40 and within a few minutes, the car was running cooler.  Strange to say the least.  We hit Lexington, SC and decided to take it pretty easy the rest of the way home.  We finally made it to the barn about 6:15.  It had definitely been a very long day.  We unpacked the car, showered and collapsed in the cool air conditioning.  The little car was just going to have to wait until Sunday.

Sunday was another beautiful day, although quite windy for SC.  John pulled the little car out of the barn.  He took the "Gano" filter off and lo and behold, there was our problem!  The filter had really done a great job of blocking all the crud from going into the radiator.  It was almost completely clogged with rust chips!

There must have been a couple of tablespoons of chips that we cleaned off that filter.  But, we feel that we have solved the overheating issue of Miz B.  

Gantt Family Farm Picnic next weekend.  Can't wait!

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