Sunday, October 31, 2010

McBee, SC and Pearl Fryar's Topiary Garden

Saturday, October 23 dawned a beautiful day, although a bit on the chilly side.  John and I were bundled up as we took off in Miz B to meet up with Palmetto A club members for our first stop in McBee, SC.  We were headed for the McBee Farm Fall Festival.  We drove up the beautiful rural roads to the little town without any issues.  We had 17 A's and a couple of modern cars in line.
We made it McBee in time to have a quick club meeting, tour around the farm, have lunch, and of course, enjoy some of their homemade ice cream and peach enchiladas!

At 2:00 we were off to Bishopville, SC with 11 A's in line -  or so we thought!  One car had a bit of a fuel issue and so half of us waited about 2 miles up the road for them to catch up.  

It was a quick trip over to Pearl Fryar's garden, just 30 minutes.  We got a nice group shot.
Then we were greeted by Mr. Fryar.
He graciously showed us all around and explained how he created his most unique style of topiary.

The trip home was rather uneventful.  We arrived just as the sun was setting over the lake.  It had been a very nice day with the club.  And Miz B was definitely on her best behavior.

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