Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tour to Chester

Saturday's tour began with all of us meeting at the Flying J Truck stop on the north side of Columbia.  That meant that we had to leave the house about 45 minutes before our departure time of 8:30.  Not too bad!  When we arrived, there were three other A's already waiting for us.  By our departure time, we had 11 A's in total traveling with us.  Nice group!

We noticed on the drive over to the meeting spot, that the fan belt was making a bit more noise than usual.  It was a high pitched squeal.  It didn't sound good, but we had a spare in the trunk, just in case it was needing a repair.  The squeal was not constant, so we didn't worry too much about it.

Our first stop was one for gas about 2 hours after our start.  This was probably the worst gas stop we had ever made!  The pumps didn't take credit cards, there were only 4 pumps, and it was a busy place.  After about a 30 minute refueling, we were ready to get going again.  

We were headed for the Catawba Fish Camp.  We arrived close to noon and were a bit concerned that there were very few cars in the parking lot.  Not usually a very good sign!

Next time we will know, if there aren't any cars in the parking lot - just keep driving!  Lunch was fair, at best.  Don't think we will be going there again.  We did have a great meeting, not very long, but very productive.  We settled on a club trailer to purchase and that will be done this week.  Yeah!  At long last, the club will have one central place to store all of our picnic and swap meet supplies.

We were soon back on the road and headed for home.  We had a couple of planned stops along the way.  One was a quick break and the other was to Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church in the Wateree Community.  

Just before arrival, the skies opened up and it poured buckets!  Unfortunately, Miz B's side curtains were in the trunk!  We didn't get too wet, but would have stayed a bit dryer if I hadn't been so quick to take them down the day before.  

After a brief tour of the graveyard, some of those graves dated back to the Civil War, we were back on our way home.

It was a fun day of driving the Model A's with good friends.

A day or so later, John decided he had heard the fan belt squeal enough and was going to replace it.  Good thing he did!  It was beginning to shred.  No wonder all the noise.  

We are looking forward to our next tour with the club.  On June 15, we off to Grits & Groceries, Split Creek Goat Farm, and the Happy Cow Creamery.  Yum!

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