Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Arrival in Roanoke

I had a bit of trouble near the end of the previous entry, so here is the rest of yesterday's story .....

We observed a bit of snow at elevations above 3700 feet. Also, the trees had not leafed out, yet. The views of the valleys between the ridges was a spectacular sight to behold. So lush and green. We drove past rushing waterfalls and very swollen creeks, streams, and rivers, most had spilled over their banks.

Not much wildlife was seen, but, there have been a lot of cars going through their habitat. Several wild turkeys and squirrels were seen. Everyone is hoping to spot a bear, but that remains to have happened.

Just about the end of yesterday's ride down the parkway, we encountered a thunderstorm. The rain came down pretty hard. We arrived in Roanoke just a bit after 6, but had to make our way completely across town from the east side to the west side. Our destination was the Sheraton near the airport. Fortunately, the traffic was light, because it was raining pretty hard and we were to get on Interstate 581.

Upon arrival at the hotel, we were met by a huge crowd of Model A'ers. Not sure if they were just standing around waiting for the last few of us to arrive or watching to see if Elvis was able to repair the head gasket on his car!

Upon check in we made reservations for supper in the dining room. It would be late, but no one seemed to mind.

It was agreed that we needed to get an earlier start in the morning, because we have closer to 200 miles to go on Wednesday to get to our hotel in Boone.

I'm not able to post photos on this blog with my phone or iPad, so I will add the photos upon completion of the trip at home. Or if you want to see them sooner, just visit my Facebook page.

More tonight .......


  1. Hi Begg, I wish I was on the trip with you and my 30 Briggs Sedan. I live in Los Angeles. If Gerald Grizzard is with you on the trip say high for me. I hope the weater gets better for you all.
    Denny Christo

    1. Thank you for commenting! If I see him I will convey your message. I wish all driving members of MAFCA were on this great trip. The weather is much improved. The views have been spectacular!

  2. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be better in Asheville.

    1. Weather was great today! Real good time on the parkway and through the Great Smokey Mountain Park to Gatlinburg

  3. Hello Begg, sorry to say I did not meet you, but I was on the tour. With your permission I would like to say HELLO to Denny in L.A., the tour was lots of fun even in the rain, fog and snow, you should have been there Denny.
    Gerald Grizzard
    Oxford, Alabama
