Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today, we are hopeful that the new camshaft will arrive.  Although with the arrival of Superstorm Sandy, or as some have named Frankenstorm Sandy, it may be delayed in coming.  But, as soon as it arrives at our parts distributor, we will drive it the 35 miles to the engine rebuilder, Mr. Paul Peacock, near Monetta/Ridge Springs.  We haven't heard any news from Mr. Peacock, so we are guessing that the magna fluxing went well and there were no cracks in the block.

Yesterday, John went back to the Temples shop to take care of cleaning the front end - with the wheels and tires attached.  The purpose was to get a fresh coat of black satin paint on it.  That engine had been throwing grease and oil all over everything under the hood!  I think that John came home with more grease and oil on his sneakers than I've ever seen.  Today, I think that the front end will be reinstalled.  I'm not sure about the fenders being put back on yet.  Then the plan is to roll it out of the shop, put it under a shelter, cover her up and wait for the engine to come back from Mr. Peacock.  I am hopeful that it won't take too long.

While waiting for the engine to come back, the steering box is being rebuilt.  But of course, because it is a right hand drive, we are waiting on a specially made part for that!  We have discovered lots of good and not too much bad with this engine removal.  The undercarriage of the car is very solid and sound, but some engine compartment parts are in need of a rebuild.  All in all, not too bad for an 81 year old car!

Stay tuned for more updates . . . . .

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