Thursday, October 25, 2012

All the problems!

Well, Miz B is in pieces all over the Temple's shop!  They decided to lift the body, while the fenders were off, to see if they could find a frame number.  Many Canadian manufactured cars were not stamped on the frames, but there was hope that it had been.  No such luck!  No number on either side of the frame, but definitely a Canadian frame.

The engine was delivered to Mr. Peacock's shop on Tuesday afternoon.  After a thorough inspection and measurements were taken, it was concluded that the engine was also definitely Canadian and the cylinders had been sleeved.

At this point, we are waiting on the magnafluxing to make certain there are no cracks in the cast iron.  If all is fine, then  we are going to need an oversized camshaft.  It has been ordered - positive thinking at work here!  The journals and the block show signs of wear and this is the best way to fix the problem, eliminating lower engine noise from the camshaft.

Today, John has gone to the shop to put in the welting that was discovered missing between the body and the frame.  That should eliminate a few squeaks as we ride down the road in the future.  The Temples are installing the new front cross member, adding greater stability to the frame.  The rest of frame was found to be in wonderful shape with no signs of rust or deterioration!  Once this is installed and painted, then the front wheel assembly can be reinstalled, along with the fenders.

At this point, it will be a waiting game until Mr. Peacock finishes the engine.  In the mean time, the steering gear will be rebuilt, cleaned and reinstalled in the engine bay.  Keeping in mind that Miz B is a right hand drive car, the absolute opposite of most of the other cars on the road in the US!

I wonder how long it will be before she is back home and ready to ride down the road?

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