Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back to the shop!

Today Miz B was driven to the shop by John.  She barely made the trip.  Had to drive her all the way with the spark almost completely retarded, but still she sputtered and popped all the way!

John, JP, and Mark took off all the head bolts, then lifted the head.  Expecting to find water from the radiator through a blown head gasket was not the case.  Instead, three of the pistons were covered with engine oil!  Bad news - meaning that the engine really needed to be rebuilt.  

JP and Mark don't do any of the machining, so we got the name of the man that does the machining and off we went to Monetta, SC in the modern truck.  We spent about an hour with Mr. Peacock and were very impressed with his knowledge and familiarity with the Model A engine.

We ended our day with a trip back to Mark's to finalize the deal for having the engine rebuilt.  At the same time, the front cross member of the frame is going to be replaced.  It was discovered to have a stress crack and needs attention.  So, we are on the hunt for a cross member.

Miz B will be off the road until about the middle of November.  By then, so much of her will have been attended to, that she will be in great shape for the tours we have planned in 2013!

More to come . . . .

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