Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Easy repair!

Coming out of church on Sunday morning, I noticed two young men checking out the front end mechanisms of Miz B.  I thought that was a bit odd, being that most folks are usually trying to figure out why the steering wheel is on the right side of a Ford.  You know, Fords are American cars and we have always driven from the left side, but on the right hand side of the roadways. Nope, they weren't too interested in that.  What had caught their eye was a very shiny silver ball joint that was exposed and didn't look like the other side, which had no shiny ball showing.  

My first thought - this is coming from someone who is not too mechanically inclined about cars - was that I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the steering.  I needed to run an errand and make it the 10 miles home.  

Well, this little car had never really let me down, so I put my faith in her and off I went.  Steering was fine and the brakes were working just fine, as well.  So, I ran my errand and then made my way home.  

Soon, John was home and he looked over the little car and came to the conclusion that it was the connection between the wheel and the shock absorber which had broken.  

On Monday, he was off to Smith and Jones to purchase the part.  But, wouldn't you know it, the item was out of stock.  It is a good thing that our mechanic has plenty of used parts that are in perfectly good condition.

This was an easy repair and probably the cheapest we have ever made on the little car.  $5.00!  Now Miz B is ready to roll again on her next adventure!

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