Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cook Out for Kids

Yesterday dawned with cloudy skies and drizzly rain.  Didn't look too good for a Model A outing in support of the Epworth Children's Home in Columbia, but we had faith that the weather man was correct with his forecast of the rain stopping by 9:30 and abating until about 3PM.  

Joey and Lauren arrived just a couple minutes past 9 in his 1929 Tudor.  We loaded up the last of the chairs and cooler filled with water and ice.  Soon we were off to pick up Jacob.  We were a convoy of three Model A's.  John in his 1930 Town Sedan, me in Miz B, and Joey in his Tudor.  It was a quick stop to pick up Jacob, and once he was buckled into his car seat, we were off.

We had a small 20 minute shower on the way into town, which quickly dried up, and left us with an uneventful drive.

We arrived at Epworth pretty close to 10AM, parked the cars and wiped them down.  We had lots of help setting up the tents and chairs.  In all we had 15 Model A's in attendance!  Great showing, considering the weather just before our appointed arrival time.  Joey and Lauren got involved with volunteering to help with the event and were quickly put to work directing car parking.  

As in the past, the Epworth Alumni had put together a great day.  There were magicians strolling the Green, balloon artists making fun shapes for the kids, delicious barbecue, and a good band playing requests.  Not the Bluegrass music of the past, but the crowd enjoyed their show.  Jacob got involved playing an instrument with them and dancing to the music.  He, also, found lots of children to play with all day.  

We had lots of interesting questions about the cars and folks seemed to be pretty amazed that we actually drive them and that they are reliable.  We met a lady whose father had been head football, basketball, and baseball coach at USC after being Henry Ford's chauffeur.  Mr. Ford had given him a Model A just prior to him coming to Columbia to take the athletic job with USC.  I asked the lady for her story, hopefully, she will write it up and send it to me.  I think the national club would like to hear the story as well.  His name was Ted Petoskey and he played football, baseball and basketball at UofM during his undergraduate years.

One of the alumni, Len Ross, recorded and emailed the following short video of the cars on the Green in front of the chapel.  Click the following link for a quick look at the cars.  Model A's @ Epworth, 2013.

Epworth was a success from the Model A turnout!  The weather cooperated and just as we were driving away around 2:30, we had a few sprinkles, again.  We think the weather man got it right, after all!  The alumni were very kind and gave each driver a smoked Boston Butt for their support of the event!  Yum, yum!

Just a few last minute things to take care of with Miz B.  I need to go to Smith & Jones and pick up a fan belt - need to have a spare in the trunk, just in case.  We are all looking forward the Blue Ridge Parkway Tour next weekend!

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