Friday, April 5, 2013

Chapin Rotary

Yesterday morning we set off at 6:30.  We were headed for the Rotary Meeting in Chapin, SC.  Chapin  is about 8 miles from home and an easy, early morning ride.  We arrived at Crooked Creek Park a few minutes before 7.  It had been raining lightly on the drive over and coupled with the darkness, it made the trip a little slower than usual.  No windshield wiper and a need for more RainX on the windshield didn't help much either!  

We were warmly greeted by a gentleman setting up the facility for the meeting.  We got busy with the computer projector and making sure our presentation would run smoothly.  Breakfast was pretty good and John reconnected with other SCORE members and Irmo Navy friends.  Amazing, we see friends every where we go these days!  All went well and of course, we were met with the usual questions.  How fast will it go?  Do you ever drive on the interstate?  How many miles to the gallon do they average? etc.........

Afterward it was time to show the group our cars.  It was still raining, so we pulled the cars around and parked under an awning.  After a few more questions and photographs, the Show & Tell came to an end.  

We drove back home in a constant drizzle.  The temperatures had also dropped, but I was quite comfortable in Miz B with her side curtains in place.  We arrived home at 9 and had the entire day ahead of us.  Hard to believe that we had a Model A outing and were back home so early!

Little did we realize, we had been interviewed and photographed for the local Chapin newspaper. Below is the photo.  Hood was open only for the curious, no mechanical problems!

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