Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cook Out for Kids

Yesterday dawned with cloudy skies and drizzly rain.  Didn't look too good for a Model A outing in support of the Epworth Children's Home in Columbia, but we had faith that the weather man was correct with his forecast of the rain stopping by 9:30 and abating until about 3PM.  

Joey and Lauren arrived just a couple minutes past 9 in his 1929 Tudor.  We loaded up the last of the chairs and cooler filled with water and ice.  Soon we were off to pick up Jacob.  We were a convoy of three Model A's.  John in his 1930 Town Sedan, me in Miz B, and Joey in his Tudor.  It was a quick stop to pick up Jacob, and once he was buckled into his car seat, we were off.

We had a small 20 minute shower on the way into town, which quickly dried up, and left us with an uneventful drive.

We arrived at Epworth pretty close to 10AM, parked the cars and wiped them down.  We had lots of help setting up the tents and chairs.  In all we had 15 Model A's in attendance!  Great showing, considering the weather just before our appointed arrival time.  Joey and Lauren got involved with volunteering to help with the event and were quickly put to work directing car parking.  

As in the past, the Epworth Alumni had put together a great day.  There were magicians strolling the Green, balloon artists making fun shapes for the kids, delicious barbecue, and a good band playing requests.  Not the Bluegrass music of the past, but the crowd enjoyed their show.  Jacob got involved playing an instrument with them and dancing to the music.  He, also, found lots of children to play with all day.  

We had lots of interesting questions about the cars and folks seemed to be pretty amazed that we actually drive them and that they are reliable.  We met a lady whose father had been head football, basketball, and baseball coach at USC after being Henry Ford's chauffeur.  Mr. Ford had given him a Model A just prior to him coming to Columbia to take the athletic job with USC.  I asked the lady for her story, hopefully, she will write it up and send it to me.  I think the national club would like to hear the story as well.  His name was Ted Petoskey and he played football, baseball and basketball at UofM during his undergraduate years.

One of the alumni, Len Ross, recorded and emailed the following short video of the cars on the Green in front of the chapel.  Click the following link for a quick look at the cars.  Model A's @ Epworth, 2013.

Epworth was a success from the Model A turnout!  The weather cooperated and just as we were driving away around 2:30, we had a few sprinkles, again.  We think the weather man got it right, after all!  The alumni were very kind and gave each driver a smoked Boston Butt for their support of the event!  Yum, yum!

Just a few last minute things to take care of with Miz B.  I need to go to Smith & Jones and pick up a fan belt - need to have a spare in the trunk, just in case.  We are all looking forward the Blue Ridge Parkway Tour next weekend!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Engine teardown

Well, as you can see from the photos, the engine had to be completely removed to replace the clutch pressure plate.  The car stayed at the mechanic's shop for three days.

Upside down engine

This is where the engine is supposed to go!

View of what is under the floor board

JP Temple explaining to John what is wrong with the old pressure plate
I drove the car to Greenwood for the Old 96 District Model A Club Swap Meet on Saturday and all is well!

I've made some improvements to the curtains - again!  This time, I sewed some pockets on each side, with a flap held down by velcro.  This will give us some added storage space for little things we want to have easy access to, while driving down the road.  I have also repositioned the Garmin for ease of viewing to the upper windshield/wind wing area.

Pocket has divider down middle and is quite deep.  Duplicate on other side of car.

Curtains have full view and tidy appearance.

I've also made some improvements to utilizing the trunk space.  I added a milk crate to hold the 12V deep cycle battery (this is the electricity to charge cell phones, iPod, speaker, and Garmin), the top cover, umbrella, extension cord, and the ever necessary kleenex box!  I also added a recycling box, with it's one lower side for stowage of water, oil, SeaFoam,mini grease gun, paper towels, and fire extinguisher.  I covered the seat platform with an old crib quilt and covered the back of the lid with rip stop nylon.  Behind the lid cover, is a shop coat - for dirty road repairs and a whisk broom.  All making for a much neater appearance and easily accessible necessities!  This will leave the seat platform open for luggage and garment bags.

I also found a small rolling cooler to put on the running board.  This will free up valuable trunk space and make getting a cold drink much easier! 

Well, as you can see it looks like we are pretty well set to make our way down the Blue Ridge Parkway, beginning in Charlottesville, VA and ending in Gatlinburg, TN.  But, first, day after tomorrow, we will be taking the car over to the Epworth Children's Home, in Columbia.  The car club  supports the children's home fundraiser each year by showing our cars on the green in front of the chapel.  Always a nice crowd, great barbecue, and entertaining Bluegrass music.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Greenwood & Greer, SC - Clutch Problems!

Saturday morning, before the sun came up, we were off to Greenwood and breakfast with the Old 96 District Model A Club.  It was a pretty chilly morning, with temps in the upper 30's.  We had the side curtains up and blankets on our laps.  The sun came up on a gorgeous morning as we made our way northwest on US76.  We traveled through Chapin, around Newberry and into the foothills of the mountains of South Carolina.  About the time we were near Chappels, it got considerably colder!  We noticed frost on the roofs.  We had a couple of blankets, but probably needed the third one!  It was in the trunk and unless we stopped, we were going to do without.  Not much further to go, and I was happy I had my gloves in the car.  Mornings like these make me wish I had a heater!

We made it to Greenwood with plenty of time before our reservation of 9AM, but we were in for a very long wait!  Seems that someone had double booked our regular meeting room at the local Shoney's.  Once we were seated, 40 minutes later than expected, we had a great breakfast and relatively short meeting.  News was shared and the upcoming Swap Meet was discussed.

Soon, it was time to part ways.  A few of us decided to travel up to Greer to check out the Saturday morning Flea Market at The Barnyard.  We enjoyed a nice drive with 4 other A's.  We got up to the Flea Market and were met with hoards of folks out looking for their "finds."  We pulled to the very back of the parking area, where it was decided that we didn't want to leave the cars or fight the masses just to go peruse someone else's junk!  So, with us in the lead, Calvin followed us back to the Columbia area via Spartanburg and Union.  A different road from the one we went north on earlier in the day.

The little car is running extremely well.  The engine is definitely ready for the Blue Ridge Parkway Tour with MAFCA in a few weeks, but I've noticed that I have a clutch issue!  Seems that I'm having trouble putting the car into 2nd gear, even at a dead stop.  

We decided to take the car to Mark's on Monday for an adjustment on the clutch.  He and his dad, JP, took a look at the clutch, after Mark and I pulled out the carpet, rubber mat and insulation over the inspection plate.  Not good news!  Mark did what adjustment that he could, but it was decided that the pressure plate was bad and needed to be replaced.  Now, to do that job, the engine has to be pulled out - AGAIN!

We buttoned up the car - putting all the floor coverings back into place and drove home.  Mark was going to give us a call when we could bring Miz B back for the clutch work.  It would take 2-3 days, but they had to get the '37 Dodge Brothers car out of the shop, first.  

Stay tuned for the next adventure - hopefully, Miz B will be ready for the trip to Greenwood on the 20th.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Chapin Rotary

Yesterday morning we set off at 6:30.  We were headed for the Rotary Meeting in Chapin, SC.  Chapin  is about 8 miles from home and an easy, early morning ride.  We arrived at Crooked Creek Park a few minutes before 7.  It had been raining lightly on the drive over and coupled with the darkness, it made the trip a little slower than usual.  No windshield wiper and a need for more RainX on the windshield didn't help much either!  

We were warmly greeted by a gentleman setting up the facility for the meeting.  We got busy with the computer projector and making sure our presentation would run smoothly.  Breakfast was pretty good and John reconnected with other SCORE members and Irmo Navy friends.  Amazing, we see friends every where we go these days!  All went well and of course, we were met with the usual questions.  How fast will it go?  Do you ever drive on the interstate?  How many miles to the gallon do they average? etc.........

Afterward it was time to show the group our cars.  It was still raining, so we pulled the cars around and parked under an awning.  After a few more questions and photographs, the Show & Tell came to an end.  

We drove back home in a constant drizzle.  The temperatures had also dropped, but I was quite comfortable in Miz B with her side curtains in place.  We arrived home at 9 and had the entire day ahead of us.  Hard to believe that we had a Model A outing and were back home so early!

Little did we realize, we had been interviewed and photographed for the local Chapin newspaper. Below is the photo.  Hood was open only for the curious, no mechanical problems!