Friday, February 1, 2013

New curtains and a Radio!

I had made a set of side curtains prior to our trip to Marquette, Michigan.  I knew we were going to need them, the UP of Michigan is never as warm as South Carolina!  We definitely needed them in the mornings and for the torrential downpours we experienced!  But, they just weren't quite right.  So, it was back to the kitchen table with them, new clear vinyl, and more blue rip stop nylon.  I decided that I needed to obtain the side curtain rods that are used with the purchased side curtains.  Now, I'm sure you are wondering why I don't just go buy a set of the already made side curtains from my local Model A dealer, Smith & Jones.  Easy - this car never had side curtains installed, hence, no fasteners on the body!  So, I had to get creative!

Now, velcro is a wonderful invention.  I have used velcro to attach the side curtains to the steel top rails.  Made a pocket for the curtain to slide on to the door posts and attached velcro to both and the smaller side pieces.  It takes me less than 2 minutes to "zip" myself into the A and enjoy a drive when the temperatures are cold to downright freezing or rainy.  I did discover that I do have a few wind leaks, but a hand towel stuffed above the rails seems to take care of that!  I need to find something a bit more permanent and will be thinking on it.  I'm sure I will come up with something!

For Christmas, my sweet husband gave me a new iPod.  I had been enjoying listening to the music I had downloaded.  About two weeks ago, he asked if I knew that it had a radio in it, too.  Nope!  So, I got busy with the rip stop nylon and made a couple of hanging bags for the iPod and the cordless speaker.  In order to listen to the radio, it needed a speaker or headphones attached via a wire.  It doesn't work over the wifi.  I guess it needs an antenna, hence the wire.  So, I can now listen to the radio!  The iPod is on the driver's side and the speaker is on the passenger side.  My wire is pretty long - about 3 feet.  I am hoping that will get me pretty good reception.  

I am going to take Miz B up to Prosperity on Saturday to meet with the Old 96 District Model A Club.  Not a very long drive, but far enough in pretty cold weather to see if I've solved the wind blowing around inside the car issue and far enough away from Columbia to see if the reception will be adequate to receive a good radio station.

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