Saturday, February 2, 2013

Meeting in Prosperity

The morning dawned quite cold!  Siri, on my iPhone, told me "Brr, it''s 28 degrees."  Yep, Brr was right!  So, I bundled up and headed out to the garage.  I pulled the wool blanket out of the rumble seat area and climbed in the car.  True to form, she started right up.  I let the car idle for a couple of minutes, then pulled out and headed for the gas station.  John, with our daughter and grandson, were following me in the Town Sedan.  

After fueling up, we headed up US 76 for the little town of Prosperity.  We were meeting the folks from the Old 96 District Model A Club at Dee's Restaurant for breakfast and a meeting.  It was a little bit of a wait before the restaurant had the buffet line ready, so we started the meeting.  It was a good and informative meeting.  There were 8 Model A's in attendance with about 25 folks, some came in modern cars with heaters!

The meeting was relatively short, but we sat around for a while afterward enjoying each other's company until close to 11:30.  Then it was time to bundle up and head for home.

I decided it was time to try out the radio to see if my "rigging" was going to work.  I had the iPod in it''s own bag, with a clear vinyl face and the speaker in another bag.  The two were connected via a 3 foot cord.  I strung the cord up to the top butterfly fastening screw above the windshield and hung the two bags on the windshield pull.  I started up the car and turned on the equipment.  So far, so good!  I pulled out and decided I need a bit more volume.  Once I turned it up, I discovered that the reception was really very good.  Success!  Now I have radio for my long trips.

The side curtains worked very well.  I motored along with the outside temperature well below freezing and the interior never dropped below 52 degrees.  That is a temperature that is quite tolerable.  I think that I will be able to comfortably drive the A during the entire year.

It was a great drive in the A today.  I'm looking forward to the next adventure in Miz B.

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