Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tour to Greenwood, SC

Yesterday dawned very cold with frost on the grass and rooftops.  I left the house at 6:50, before the sun was up!  I drove by myself, as John had plans to take Daddy to the USC Men's Basketball game.   I needed to gas up before heading to Greenwood, 70 miles to the northwest.  It was good that I had the side curtains in place.  The temperature inside the car was a very cool 42 degrees.  Outside, it was only 27 degrees.  I guess the side curtains really do help to keep the passenger compartment warm!  I was thankful that I had my lap blankets to put across my lap, too.  I stayed pretty warm, with the exception of my finger tips.  Although I had on gloves, the small gap at the top of the curtain, beneath the canvass top, had a very cold, steady wind directed at the steering wheel and my lap.  It would be nice if I could figure out some way to install heat in Miz B.  Her steering wheel is directly beneath the exhaust manifold, the source most folks use to pump heat in during the winter, so that won't work.

The little car performed beautifully!  Not a hiccough the entire trip.  Once the sun came up, about 7:45, the temps inside the car gradually warmed up to about 48 degrees.  Much more tolerable for the fingers!  Over the hilly countryside I rolled at 45 mph.  There weren't very many cars out on the road, being it was early Saturday morning, not many folks headed for work.

I arrived at the Shoney's in Greenwood at 8:50.  Great timing.  When I pulled into the parking lot, there were 4 other Model A's already there.  Three more would join the lineup, most folks had come in their modern cars.  I guess it was too cold to crank the A's or to bear the drive over.  There were about 24 members present for the first meeting of 2013 of the Old 96 District Model A Ford Club.  We enjoyed a hearty breakfast from the buffet, then settled in for a quick, 30 minute meeting.  

I left Greenwood about 10:30, after saying my goodbyes to my upstate friends.  I enjoyed the ride home to the sounds of my iPod.  I chose to listen to folk music going home.  I sure is nice to have the little wireless speaker on the shelf behind me.  I didn't drive quite as fast coming home, keeping the little car at about 40 mph.  I certainly wasn't in any kind of hurry and I wanted to enjoy the beautiful sunny morning as I drove the rural back roads home.

I discovered that I need to make some modifications to the side curtains.  I've already gotten the regular curtain posts for the doors and will use them.  I would like to be able to swing the doors open, having the curtain swing out at the same time.  I just need to figure out how to keep the small drafts from making their way into the passenger compartment.

I now have about 700 miles on the new engine and it is performing beautifully.  John changed the oil after we had put a little over 550 miles on it, so she is ready to roll for another 2,000 miles, or so, before we change it again.

Next trip, outside of Columbia, will be to go to the Mack's place in Sandy Run on the 17th of January.  I'm looking forward to it and seeing all my friends at the Palmetto A's Club meeting and lunch.

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