Thursday, December 6, 2012

Home, At Last!

Miz B got back home on Tuesday evening about 5:30.  Her engine is in fabulous shape and she is being treated to a 500 mile break in period.  This means I won't be driving her over the recommended 35 miles per hour.  Not an easy task, as she seems ready to get up and go much faster!  It is amazing just how quiet she is running.  I guess the old gal had been trying to tell me that her age was really catching up and was making itself quite loudly known!

There wasn't an inch of her that wasn't covered in dirt, grease, and grime!  John spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning and polishing her.  I still need to pay some extra attention to the convertible top.  But all in all, she looks pretty good.

One small problem with the clutch has been discovered.  It appears that when the clutch is depressed, it is rubbing on something metal and will clank because of the normal engine vibrations.  There needs to be an adjustment.  We, also, have noticed that the steering is grinding a bit when the wheels are cranked hard either right or left. I'm sure it is a simple adjustment.  She has to go back to the mechanic after the first 100 miles to have her head bolts tightened and we will have him do the steering adjustment and look into the clutch issue, then.  We will probably take her over the week after we get back from Charleston.  Miz B isn't making the trip.  45 mph is pretty slow when you have to go 100 miles, but at 35 mph it would take just too long.  So, she will stay in her cozy garage while we are gone.

It was wonderful to be out and driving her yesterday afternoon.  Everything seems to be nice and tight. There aren't any noticeable rattles.  We had gotten most of them out before the engine rebuild.

I am looking forward to many years of confidently traveling the rural roads of the US in Miz B, without the worry of a worn out engine!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Miz B is home from the Model A hospital! Looking forward to seeing you on the Model A highway some place.
