Saturday, July 28, 2012

Old Problem . . .

Well, we thought we had fixed the discharge of the battery. Not so! I needed to go to the store to buy a baby gift, so of course, I drove the A. I thought all was well with Miz B. I drove the 10 miles to the store, went inside and did my shopping, and came back out to go home. Miz B was not wanting to go anywhere. I decided that either the battery was just about shot or there was definitely something wrong with the alternator. She finally cranked and I wasted no time driving straight home. After arriving home, John decided to remove the alternator and take it to have it tested. Sure enough, there was a bad diode within. A quick trip to our handy Model A parts dealer, Smith & Jones and a new heavy duty alternator was purchased. Fortunately, an alternator is a quick install and Miz was back in service by the end of the day. The heavy duty alternator is what we've needed for quite some time, as the horn now works very well! I had thought that I was looking at a horn rebuild in my future! The halogen headlights, now, are very bright and the car seems to be running extremely well. Amazing how well the little car runs when it is getting the right amount of electricity! Now, I think I am finally ready to take another long trip. We are headed to Tucker, GA in early August for a two night trip. Maybe we will take a spin around Stone Mountain. Should be a great trip with another couple from the club.

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