Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blackville, SC

Last weekend, we toured with 6 other Model A's to the tiny town of Blackville. 

Our original intent was to go to Healing Springs, first.  Healing Springs are artesian wells which supply legendary mineral waters to pilgrims seeking help for all kinds of ailments. Historical accounts and legend date the springs back to pre-European era when Indians considered the waters sacred and bathed in them for healing when sick or hurt. Tradition relates that during the American Revolution, four mortally wounded British soldiers were left here in the care of two able bodied men until they died and were buried. Six months later, all six returned to their garrison in Charleston, further perpetuating the springs' legend for healing. 

The weather wasn't too pleasant - chilly and misty.  So, we opted to just drive and enjoy the beautiful South Carolina Spring day traveling the back roads southwest into Orangeburg County.  

We left home at 8:30 to meet up with other club members in the little town of Gaston, just slightly southwest of Columbia.  It is an hours drive in the Model A.  Of course, we needed to fuel up before meeting our group.  While at the gas station, we were approached by a gentleman interested in the car.  There is always someone who wants to talk about the old car!  After exchanging business cards, we were back on our way to meet our friends.
We arrived at our appointed meeting place just a few minutes late, to find 5 Model A's waiting for us. Soon we were on our way to Blackville.  About 10 miles down the road, another Model A joined us for the adventure and that made 7 all total.

The countryside was fresh and green with newly emerged leaves on the trees.  The clover along the roadside was in full bloom with its bright crimson flower heads.  There were patches of yellow Canola blooming in the fields.  Here and there, the bright white wild Dogwoods bloomed in the pine woods along the road.  It was a beautiful morning, despite the intermittent Spring drizzle.

We arrived in Blackville about 11:30 and decided to proceed to Miller's Bread Basket for an early lunch.  Miller's is owned and operated by a Mennonite family and they have a wonderful lunch, which we all enjoyed.  No takers for the Shoo Fly Pie, but cheesecake, coconut pie, brownie sundae, and sweet potato pie were definitely enjoyed for dessert!

It was an uneventful tour, as far as roadside technical sessions go.  Everyones cars behaved well and we spent no time making any repairs.

On Saturday of this week, we are off to Greenwood for the Old 96 Model A Club Swap Meet.  I'll be driving solo, as John will be going to the Carolina Baseball game.

The next gathering of Model A's will be on May 3, as we convene on the Green at Epworth Children's Home in Columbia.  Our club exhibits our cars to help the Alumni of Epworth raise money during their Barbecue event each Spring.