Saturday, July 13, 2013


Rain, rain go away!
I want to drive my Model A!

Last weekend, we drove up to Cross Hill, SC.  A very small community on Lake Greenwood, to the Higgin's home, for an indoor picnic.  We were meeting the Old 96 club for a meeting and supper.  Amazing, the folks who had the shortest drive - those living in Greenwood and 96, drove their modern cars!  We, us and the Cockerills, who drove almost 2 hours to get there, drove our A's!  We were fortunate to not run into any rain going up there.  While indoors, enjoying fellowship and a wonderful meal, it poured buckets!  By the time came for us to depart, the sky had cleared and we were hopeful for no rain on our drive home.  We got within 2 miles of the house when the rain began.  I'm sure the Cockerills, who had another hour to drive, ran into some pretty heavy rain.

We had a nice drive, the weather remained cool and overcast.  Ready to travel again..........
Now if only it would quit raining..............